San Jorge
Café del bueno
Es un tostadero de café de especialidad en El Burgo de Ebro
San Jorge Café no es una empresa tostadora de café de especialidad como las demás. Los tostadores de café de especialidad compran café verde de altísima calidad a importadores para luego tostarlo y venderlo. Es un sector que bebe de las formas y el elitismo de la viticultura. San Jorge Café le dio la vuelta al concepto. Su marca es rompedora, moderna e irrespetuosa pero también divertida, una combinación que está haciendo furor entre sus clientes.
Creative direction, design, photography and video
San Jorge
Good Coffee
It is a specialty coffee roaster in El Burgo de Ebro. San Jorge Cafe is not a specialty coffee roasting company like the others. Specialty coffee roasters buy high-quality green coffee from importers, roast it, and sell it. It is a sector that draws on the forms and elitism of viticulture. San Jorge Cafe turned the concept around. Its brand is groundbreaking, modern and disrespectful but also fun, a combination that is causing a sensation among its customers.
Creative direction, design, photography and video.

Label design for Coffee Masters
This is the new concept of coffee for the subscription month
Each label has shades of the coffee tasting notes illustrating what the customer will experience.